Academic Products

In this part, you will see my academic products, which is showing the specific academic activities, courses, goal and so on in MBA Pathway. For now, two content are included:

  1. My study plan
  2. Writing sample

In the first part, my study plan will be displayed all the programs I have been seeking in the mater study. Besides, The document includes an my field of study along with a detailed table of required courses (and internships) by semester.  Moreover, It concludes with your graduation requirements (such as a comprehensive exam or master’s thesis defense). and you can see programmatic requirements of my courses, Finally, my academic department and adviser contact are attached in the bottom.

In the second part, along the way of pathway study, my writing has a great improvements. For instant, in the PROV class, I have learnt how to avoid plagiarism in academy which is attached more importance in United States than my home country China. In EAP class, I have learnt how to write summary for a research. Thus, these two writing examples are shown.

The materials above is for references, and it will be upgraded by the time of study progressions.